Where to watch and stream Trick or Treat for free online

Cast: Mark Price
Tony Fields
Lisa Orgolini
Doug Savant
Elaine Joyce



Director: Charles Martin Smith

Release date: October 24, 1986

Eddie Weinbauer, a teenage metalhead who was bullied at school, turns to his heavy metal superstar idol, Sammi Curr, for advice. When Curr is killed in a hotel fire, Eddie becomes the recipient of the only copy of Curr’s unreleased album, which when played backwards brings Sammi back to life. As Halloween approaches, Eddie begins to realize that it’s not just rock ‘n roll…it’s life or death.


Trick or Treat is not available to watch on Netflix. If you’re interested in more movies and shows, you can access Netflix’s vast library of titles with different subscription fees depending on the plan you choose: $9.99 per month for the basic plan, 15 $.99 per month for the standard plan and $19.99 per month. months for the premium plan.


At the time of writing, Trick or Treat is not available to stream on Hulu through the traditional account which starts at $6.99. However, if you have the HBO Max expansion on your Hulu account, you can watch additional movies and shoes on Hulu. This type of plan costs $14.99 per month.


As of this writing, Trick or Treat is not on Disney+. Disney+ primarily focuses on Disney’s own animated films and other works owned and distributed by Disney. The current monthly price for those interested in the streaming platform is $7.99.


Sorry, Trick or Treat is not available on HBO Max. There is a lot of content from HBO Max for $14.99 per month, such a subscription is ad-free and it gives you access to all titles in the HBO Max library. The streaming platform has announced an ad-supported version that costs a lot less at $9.99 per month.

Amazon Prime Video

At this time, Trick or Treat is not available to watch for free on Amazon Prime Video. You can still buy or rent other movies through their service.

Peacock bounty

Trick or Treat did not make it into the Peacock streaming library. Peacock has plenty of other shows and movies for just $4.99 per month or $49.99 per year for a premium account.

Paramount More

Trick or Treat is not on Paramount Plus. Paramount Plus offers two subscription options: the basic version of the ad-supported Paramount + Essential service costs $4.99 per month and an ad-free premium plan for $9.99 per month.


No dice. Trick or Treat is not streaming on the Apple TV+ library at this time. You can watch many other top-rated shows and movies like Mythic Quest, Tedd Lasso, and Wolfwalkers for a monthly cost of $4.99 from the Apple TV Plus library.

Blank TV GB

No. Trick or Treat is currently not available to watch for free on Virgin TV Go. There are plenty of other shows and movies on the platform that you might be interested in!

Trick or Treat is currently not available for streaming.

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