Royal Cliff’s “Responsible Tourism Business Model” Wins ASEAN Green Hotel Standard AwardTravel And Tour World

Published on: Wednesday May 4, 2022

The Royal Cliff Hotels group recently won the ASEAN Green Hotel Standard award, an ASEAN initiative dedicated to promoting sustainable tourism through the adoption of environmentally friendly practices and energy conservation throughout the region.

Royal Cliff received the highest ratings due to its efforts in implementing environmentally friendly initiatives and using technology to reduce energy consumption.

It has set a new benchmark as the resort of choice for travelers who want a greener future.

This ASEAN Green Hotel Standard award is a great addition to the resort’s multiple accolades and serves as recognition for its pioneering efforts in environmental conservation and responsible tourism.

Notable achievements of Royal Cliff include Asia Responsible Enterprise Award (AREA) in 2020, EIA Monitoring Award (2000, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2008 and 2009), Kuoni Green Planet Award (2005-6 and 2007-8) and the Best Green Hotel Recognition (2008).

These collective feats have made it a distinct institution recognized for its environmental sustainability practices around the world.

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Tags: ASEAN Green Hotel Standard Award, ASEAN Tourism, Asia Responsible Enterprise Award (AREA), Royal Cliff Hotels Group

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